The Role of Human Resource Policies on Work Life Balance Among Information Technology Sector of Women Professionals
Work Life balance, Information Technology, Women Professionals, Women Professionals, HR Policies, Continuance CommitmentAbstract
Work life balance is the relationship between, how much time and effort someone spends to work and how much time and effort spend to other elements of their life, such as family, children, friends etc., HR policies are the organization’s continuing guidelines for managing its employees. As in this study, it mainly focuses on what are all roles played by the human resource department on balancing work and life in the Information Technology sector of women professionals. For this research, descriptive research was done with a sample of 200 women professionals from selected IT companies in Chennai using simple random sampling technique. The questionnaire was created using the independent variable of HR policies on work life balance and mediator of continuance commitment with a dependent variable of work life balance. The statistical tools used in this study are CFA, Discriminant validity and Composite reliability with the assistance of SPSS and AMOS software. The research found that, all the item used in the study are reflect a good measure of the variables.