From the Editor
Dear authors, readers and future authors,
It is my pleasure to present you the 2nd number of the 35th volume of the Journal of Information andOrganizational Sciences – JIOS.
In this issue a selection of 3 original scientific papers and 1 survey paper have been included, all of which have undergone a rigorous double-blind review process. Some of the papers published here were already presented at the CECIIS 2011 Conference held in Varaždin between 21st and 23rdSeptember 2011. These papers were nominated for publishing in JIOS by the chairs of the conference tracks they were presented at on the account of their research quality.
As in prior issues of the Journal, this one also comprises papers that cover themes from various ICT fields: computer programming, symbolic logic in the field of information sciences, business processes, management and other related themes. We hope that the variety of themes will draw the attentionof researchers in different ICT fields and motivate potential authors to expand the Journal’s thematic scope by other themes that may be of interest to the wider ICT research community.
I would like to use this opportunity to encourage prospective authors among you, dear readers, to submit papers at You are also invited to share with us your comments or critical remarks regarding the papers previously published in the Journal. Further, we would appreciate yourwillingness to become a peer-reviewed for submitted papers and thus contribute significantly to the rising quality of JIOS.
So far JIOS has been indexed in eight well known databases and now this number has risen to nine, adding “Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts” to the database list. We are continuously investing a lot of effort to extend the list of databases where JIOS would be cited, in order to makethe published papers available to a larger readers’ audience, and give your research a greater impact factor.