From the Editor


  • Neven Vrček University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varazdin


Dear authors, readers and future authors,

it is my pleasure to present you the 2nd number of the 37th volume of the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences – JIOS.

In this issue a selection of 3 original scientic papers and 2 preliminary communications has been included,  all  of  which  have  undergone  a  rigorous  double-blind  review  process  in  some  cases  in several rounds.

The mission of JIOS is to cover scientic publications from broad area of information sciences and related  disciplines  and  we  continuously  receive  many  articles  in  which  authors  strive  to  achieve scientic  merit.  Our  review  procedure  is  very  strict  but  even  when  we  decline  papers  we  try  to encourage  authors  in  their  future  work  and  motivate  them  to  give  better  results. That  is  why  we maintain very good relations with our authors and we invite all of you to extend cooperation with JIOS.

We  hope  that  the  variety  of  themes  will  draw  the  attention  of  researchers  in  dierent  elds  of information sciences and motivate potential authors to expand the Journal’s thematic scope by other themes that may be of interest to the wider ICT research community. These themes motivate us to continue  our  work  of delivering  research  results  to  interested  audience. The  ICT  eld  is  changing rapidly and we are constantly searching for cutting edge articles that open perspective and motivate further research. We have to notice that future of ICT related research is in interdisciplinary approach and relations with other research domains which is highly emphasized in Horizon 2020 directions. That is why we encourage and promote scientic collaboration across scientic areas that will bring us new interesting articles. We hope that many of you who will read the Journal will join us as authors, readers and reviewers and help us to fulll our mission. The number of submitted papers increases every year giving us opportunity to increase the quality and visibility of JIOS.

I would like to use this opportunity to encourage prospective authors among you, dear readers, to submit  papers  at You  are  also  invited  to  share  with  us  your  comments  or  critical remarks regarding the papers previously published in the Journal. Further, we would appreciate your willingness to become a reviewer for submitted papers and thus contribute signicantly to the rising quality of JIOS.

So far JIOS has been indexed in nine well known databases and we are proud to announce that from this issue we are indexed in two more databases Index Copernicus and Directory of Research Journals Indexing. We  are  continuously  investing  a  lot  of  eort  to  extend  the  list  of  databases  where  JIOS would be cited, in order to make the published papers available to a larger readers’ audience, and give your research a greater impact factor.




How to Cite

N. Vrček, “From the Editor”, J. inf. organ. sci. (Online), vol. 37, no. 2, Dec. 2013.



Editor's Section