Review Procedure
The Journal of Information and organizational Sciences - JIOS will not accept or publish papers without prior peer review. There shall be a review process of submitted papers by one or more independent referees who are conversant in the pertinent subject area.
Peer reviews will be proposed by the Editing board, or will be confirmed by the Editiorial board and the editor. For each paper two referees will be nominated, and when necessery the third one. The final decision about publishing the reviewed paper will bring the Editor.
Authors should strive for maximum clarity of expression, bearing in mind that the peer reviewers are eminent scientests in the field of their research. The policy of JIOS is to publish only original scientific papers, with acception of the special issues that publish the best research papers at the CECIIS conference.
Referees shall treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge which that access provides. Contents of abstracts submitted to conference program committees shall be regarded as privileged as well, and handled in the same manner.