Classification of Hydro Chemical Data in the Reduced Dimensional Space


  • Jasminka Dobša Faculty of Organization and Informatics
  • Petr Praus VSB-Technical University, Ostrava, Czech Republic Department of Analytical Chemistry and Material Testing
  • Aswani Kumar Cherukuri VIT University, Vellore, India School of Information Technology and Engineering
  • Pavel Praks VSB-Technical University, Ostrava, Czech Republic Department of Applied Mathematics


concept decomposition, dimensionality reduction, principal components analysis, support vector machines


The main objective of this paper is to systematically analyze the performance of water samples classifications for different data representations. We compare the classification of full data representation to the classification of data items in lower dimensional space obtained by projection of original data on the space of first principal components and further on the space of centroids of classes.  We use linear support vector machines for classification of ground water samples collected from five different localities of Odra River basin and results are evaluated by standard measures including recall, precision and F1measure.




How to Cite

J. Dobša, P. Praus, A. Kumar Cherukuri, and P. Praks, “Classification of Hydro Chemical Data in the Reduced Dimensional Space”, J. inf. organ. sci. (Online), vol. 36, no. 1, Jun. 2012.


